Youth & Kids Ministries

Imagine Kids

Imagine Kids is ClearPath’s Children’s Ministry which includes an elementary class (ages 7-12), a preschooler class (ages 4-6), a toddler class (ages 2-3) and a nursery class (ages 0-1).

When? Sundays @ 10:30AM

Come join Imagine Kids! We’ll learn about Jesus, experience His presence and imagine all of the possibilities of a life found in Him. With a worship experience, exciting games & activities, and the chance to meet the coolest kids in town, your child will leave feeling welcomed & loved after having the best time! For any questions, contact us at

FireFall Youth

FireFall is a group of youth who are excited to come together on a weekly basis to know God on a deeper level and enjoy hanging out and having a blast! For ages 13-18.

When? Wednesdays @ 6:30PM (No service on the first Wednesday of each month)

Our name “FireFall” is derived from Hebrews 12:26-29: “God is a consuming fire” - everything that can be shaken will be shaken, and all that remains will be Jesus! All we want to do is hear your story and walk side by side as the love of the Father shakes your heart and life.

You or your students are welcome any and every Wednesday night. If you'd like to confirm a visit or just ask a question, contact our Youth Staff at: - 318.990.2558