We believe that God is a good father who created this world for worship. At the center of this creation story was God’s desire to walk close to people, His image bearers, those whom He loves most. Man sinned and separated Himself from God, but God had a redemption plan in mind before the foundation of the world. He sent His Son, in bodily form, as a child, to be with us, amongst us, to live, die, be buried, and resurrect that all things would be made new. This grace called us to faith which makes it possible for us to have forgiveness of sins, life everlasting, and the ability to walk with Him in this life. Jesus promised to us the precious gift of His Holy Spirit, who was given to man at Pentecost, whose presence is near to comfort us, guide us, and lead us into all truth. God longs for His Church to live in communion with Him in everything we do. God has called us as a community to be a dwelling place for Him in the earth and to live a daily life filled with the power of God, preaching and expressing His goodness to the world around us. Our desire is for revival of His saints that leads to faith for miracles and daily devotion in the ordinary life of love. We await the hope of the gospel which is the fullness of His kingdom coming into reality as we pray now with Jesus for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.